Victoria's Honey Bee site hosted by
Barry's Bees
Victoria BC, Canada

250 213.2894
or by EMail
Barry the BeeMaster Barry
is a local beekeeper serving the Greater Victoria area on the southern end of Vancouver Island, BC Canada. He is an accredited Bee Master in the province of British Columbia and BCHPA certified instructor of Beginner's Beekeeping. Barry has been actively keeping bees for more than 15 years throughout the South Islands.

Training is an integral part of the support program we provide to beekeepers of the south islands of British Columbia. We currently offer courses for several aspects of beekeeping. All courses include field experience as well as classroom time. We also provide an on going private consulting service for additional on site training.

Intermediate Beekeeping - ($255.00)

Starting Tuesday, March 18 at 7 pm, 2025
This courseis now available for online registration

To register fo 2025, please download the info/registration form by clicking here or go directly to the on-line registration form.

Course Requirement:

This course is designed to further your beekeeping expertise. You must have 1-2 years of beekeeping experience or challenge this requirement.

Course Description:

The course focus is on the health and wellness of honey bees at the individual, colony and species levels.
There will be in depth discussions on many topics pertaining to beekeeping. We will also develop the concepts of wellness, the summation of stress factors, and the honey bee colony as a supra-organism. The course is comprised of 5 Zoom sessions of 2 1/2 hours each. For detailed course information and registration form please click here to download the 2 page pdf file.

Course Objective:

This course is intended to enhance your beekeeping knowledge and practices. The intermediate beekeeper should have a thorough understanding of the yearly cycle of bee management within the local climate of the South islands.

  • Review of beekeeping essentials
    • History of beekeeping, The honeybee society, Honey bee physiology
    • Health and wellness of a honey bee colony
  • Spring buildup of the colony
    • Supplemental feeding, Managing brood chamber, maximizing development
    • Hive requirements from a bees perspective as a supra-organism
    • Pest management, mites, wasps and others
    • Pathogen management, fungi, bacteria and viruses
  • Summer bees
    • Swarm management, Honey harvesting and marketing
  • Fall magement
    • Preparing for winter, Colony strength and Bee health
    • Pest and Pathogen management
  • Winter management
    • Monitoring, Supplemental feeding and much more
    • Assessment of a failed colony
    • Q  and A
Course Material:

Presentation material will be provided as a PDF file available for download. All sessions will be recorded and be available for your continued review until December 31st, 2024. Links to all in seesion videos and notes will also be provided.

Note: There is no scheduled field session.
Private consulting session for beekeepers around Greater Victoria are available on a fee for service basis. Please EMail me to inquire for a time and rates or call directly on my HotLine at 250 213.2894.



Webinar Format
  • Section 1 on Tuesday eveneings at 7 pm, March 18, 25 and April 1, 8 ending on the 15th
Queen Rearing